bike rental app development cost

[2024] Bike rental app development cost: Cost & Features

Now taxi and car rentals are getting old so, people are getting excited for the bike rentals. There are now apps that will help you to find bikes on a rental that you can use for your travel or any other purpose and pay as per use. This is a great way to get around, whether you’re alone or with friends, without needing to flag down a cab. These bikes are especially popular with young people in big cities.

I have created a video about this idea on one of my video here :

Bikes are the best vehicles for traveling, like in Goa, India, where most people hire scooters or bikes and wander around different places. No matter what’s happening with traffic, you can usually get where you need to be on a bike. Plus, using bikes instead of cars helps the environment by reducing pollution and noise from car horns. With fewer cars on the road, traffic jams will also become less common.

Statistics of the Bike Rental Application

Let’s understand the marketing of the bike rental business, this report is published by Global Motorcycle Rental Market.

In the last five years, this service has grown a lot. In 2013, only 700,000 motorcycles were available for rent, but by 2016, that number had jumped to 2.3 million. One reason for this growth is that more people now have access to the Internet, which is expanding quickly every year.

Another reason, according to the report, is the increase in people taking road trips around the world. Analysts predict that the development of motorcycle rental apps worldwide will keep growing at a rate of 7.74% per year between 2017 and 2021, according to the same report.

Watch this video

In this video, I have explained the features, development cost, and the entire flowchart illustrating how the application could work.

Still have a doubt

In this video, I have addressed all the doubts that people generally ask related to bike rental app development cost, business, and the documents and procedures required for starting the business.

Are you serious about starting your own bike rental business ?

Book a 30-minute call with me, and let’s discuss your idea briefly. We will not only develop an application for your business but also guide you on starting both offline and online operations, as well as mentor you in marketing so that you can expand your business nationwide.

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